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We talked with Bob Phillips about the reasons why he came to a London Society event. “It’s mostly an interest in the history of London and also an interest in planning and the interest in planning has grown over the years. I’m a member of the Kingston Society which is a sort of lobby group for planning.”

The London Society covers many topics which are of great importance to London and Londoners. These include tours of interesting places in London, history, travel and transport, homes and neighbourhoods, the environment, health and leisure.

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The London Society brings in speakers to explain these subjects in a non-technical way so as to be informative and engaging to our audience.

Bob came to the talk by Professor Kevin Fenton at the London Centre on Tuesday, 13 June 2023. Professor Fenton explained the capital’s public health challenges. He focused on health inequalities and how poorer Londoners are susceptible to chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Check out our rundown of upcoming events

Bob is also the chair of an organisation called Staywell, the largest charity for older people in South London. “I'm always on the lookout for more information that will enable us to understand what forces there are that help our clients to stay well, and what forces drive them into illness. And I'm sure I'll find out more tonight about that.”

The variety and content of the events appeals to Bob. “Every now and then I get the London Society email and every now and then, there's something that really catches my fancy . You are frequently doing things that are of great interest to me. And this is event tonight is one of them.”

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