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At the recent AGM I reported on our steadily growing membership, the increased numbers attending our events, and the setting up of the All Party Parliamentary Group for London’s Planning and Built Environment, for which we provide the Secretariat. I was glad to receive plaudits for the quality of the Journal and to be able to thank editors David Michon and Philippa Stockley.

I introduced our new Director Don Brown to the membership. Under Don’s guidance we plan to continue expansion of individual membership as well as seeking corporate supporters. Don has already radically improved the membership management systems and is now working to make the website more interactive. One of the key elements of the future programme will be a series of debates about issues relating to the changing face of London - about which, more later.

I was very pleased at the AGM to present framed prints as a thank you to Gayne Wells and to Clive Price for their services to the Society. Gayne is a past Chairman and in recent years has been looking after the library. Clive has played a key role in the resurgence of the Society.

Peter Murray
